Jun 19, 2007


One thing I won't deny..kinda like watching korean novelas (like: GOONG, WINTER SONATA, FULL HOUSE, ENDLESS LOVE I- II- III, PRINCESS LULU so on..) even those with the american's (OC, GREY'S ANATOMY, ONE TREE HILL and many moo!), taiwanese (who will forget METEOR GARDEN 1&2??) etc... hehehe I can easily relate to their stories.. whaaa duuno why?! Whenever there's new one, no matter how late it'll be shown at night hehehehe I won't give a damn, surely I'll wait! but that's if Im really interested to the characters and the story itself! hehehehe I sometimes buy a dvd copy and watch it ahead but'll still end up watching again on TV!! obsessed! thats what my sis says! well fair enough.. she has her own likes so do I =)

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